Eco-friendly games
For about ten or more years of their life, people are children and like to
spend their free time with games and toys. That is why it is important to make
games and toys more environmentally friendly. A game or toy can be more
environmentally friendly by using less resources, providing a greater
educational value or engaging the children for more time in an environmentally
friendly way. Books explaining the rules of such games are probably friendly to
the environment. However, it is very important to make the game or toy very
popular as well, because otherwise children would not really want to play with
it. Children usually follow fashion, and people could support a game so that it
can be fashionable by a popular story or something else. For this, the creation
of a new game might be needed, and a rich person or alliance could support the
creation of such popular eco games and toys, setting a competition between game
developers with alike material resources, and rewarding them according to their
success. I (the author), for example, had the idea to create a computer game
which would be about saving the life on Earth in the 21st century, by
cooperation. In this case, the term for game campaign would coincide with the
term for environmentalist/political campaign. For the environment, it seems to
be better if the computer game is turn-based and multi-player at one computer,
or hot-seat. For the environment, it also seems to be better if there are parts
of the game which can be played without a computer too, promoting new games
which are more environmentally friendly. It is just a matter of money and
creativity to create such a game.
The people who believe in God and the philosophers might not regard every game
as good as others. It is a right question to ask which are the games that are
the most ethical to play. To decide this question, many criteria should be
considered. Such criteria are the following: it should use environmentally
friendly accessories, it should teach what is good, it should help to form a
it should
not help the development of artifical intelligence too much, it should be
interesting and fashionable, it should be accessible by the poor people too, it
should cause joy to the less talented too, it should do good to the bodily and
mental health, and it should be apt to earn money from it, as a sport, or as a
creator of puzzles. Apart from these, there may be other criteria. The game can
be more interesting if its rules are not too complicated, but at the same time,
human creativity can be manifested in it. It is quite hard to create a game
which complies with all the mentioned criteria, although that would be the
ideal. The lesson to learn from this is that we should not only be
environmentally friendly, but ethical in other aspects, too.
Environmentalism is a serious issue, and it is about important problems, but
one does not always like to fight a war in which one is likely to lose. That is
why those who have suffered much because of the world, and made many sacrifices
in order to make the world better, deserve to play, in order not to think
about the world, and get more success and sources of joy. At least, before I
(the author) was 30, games meant the primary source of spiritual joy to me.
Even the hypothesis came to my mind that a happy person can probably diet, care
for his/her body, exercise, and have temperance more easily, because it is more
difficult for the sad people to make sacrifices. A professional player could
even earn money by skill games, or by writing about games, or by taking part in
creating new games. The therapeutic and community-making effects of games are
not negligible either. It is not always easy, however, to find a proper
playmate. Whoever wins many times, might feel the game more dull, and whoever
loses many times, probably does not enjoy the game as much. These times a
voluntary handicap by the stronger player may help at the starting of the game,
for example, when a grandmaster of chess plays without rooks against a child.
This way any of them wins, may enjoy the game. So if we create a game, it is
worth taking care of opportunities for voluntary handicaps, or for different
skill levels for one-team games. If we play so much that it gives us happiness,
and if we can win from our handicapped situation, why should not we try again
to solve our problems in real life?
Further readings
(these were not necessarily read by the author):
Mary C. Hofmann - Games for Everybody (1905)
Leigh Anderson - The Games Bible: Over 300 Games - the Rules, the Gear, the
Strategies (Workman Publishing Company, 2010)
Eco-friendly joy (chapter left out, although it is half done)
In a world where the good learners were richer, the free version of this
book could have more chapters by this, too.